W9 "Rapper's Delight"

What a song... This is super cool to hear and see the beginning of rap! How influential this song is, it has started and I feel like was such a foundation to rap. The lyrics are just everywhere and they are just spitting about so many different things. It is interesting how many similarities I can see in this rap song to rap songs today. I love the when he goes "A hip hop the hippa, the hippity to the hip-hip hop" I love just the different noises and rhythms that you can trow in rap. I like how you can just rap about anything and it can just either influence others, tell a story, or anything you want. Rap is so interesting with the solid background and beat yet it is so catchy sometimes and almost changes with the lyrics. One rapper I like is Macklemore, He just tells funny stories that is so random, funny, and just make you wanna scream and rap along. I get the same vibes to this song too, overall just a funny and interesting song. It's not one of my favorite rap songs ever, but really cool to see the foundation it laid for the future!


  1. One of the first popular rap songs. love how similar but so different the rap was to what it is today, Rap to me in these days was a little more light hearted and almost satirical. This song is definitely a hoot to listen to just by comparing to what rap has become today.

  2. I really like this song a lot and this is attributed to the bass line in the very beginning. It is just so freaking groovy. I love how the bass just ascends so quickly. Also the tone of the bass is amazing. My brother would describe as wet bass. Kind of weird sounding but it's true.


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